Make yourself look good online 1. Take advantage of your anonymity Communication online leaves an opportunity to be anonymous and you should take an advantage of it. People are tired of watching themselves behaving according to society standards. Going online makes it easier to live your life and share the exact thoughts and experience that close to your heart. No matter what color of skin, gender, appearance you have, nobody judges it when it comes to a username. Your personality, however, does matter as well as style of writing. People who have decided to spend essential part of their life in net tend to be delicate about information they deal with. Nowadays it's much easier to track anyone unless all necessary protective measures has been takes. Make sure you to use dynamic IP as well as encrypted connection if you expose some private information you don't want to be spread. On my experience there were many naive girls in my school who strongly ...
Hello, my name is Mikhail Drobyshev. I'm a student of Tallinn University of Technology. In this blog I write about all sorts of IT related topics with main focus on ethics. You can contact me by email: