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Showing posts from April, 2020
The Hacker Culture In The Modern World The community of computer specialists has been changing the world since the creation of first computational device. The way development goes depends not only on technical skills of hackers, their ideals and views also take essential part of progress. There were several generations of hackers and each of them promoted different ideas. The hacker ethic of early days focused specifically on their interests and there were no such needs as communicative skills. The main ideology was "all information should be free" and I strongly disagree with this statement. Non-profit everything stops the progress and leaves no motivation to support "boring" software. In 90's next generation of the culture has started acknowledging a demand for well-supported communication in hackers groups. It led to more healthy relationships and lifestyle within the culture. Eric S. Raymond put attention to necessity of skills which set development as
Internet Censorship and Privacy. What is going on? Privacy policy has been changing since the mass usage of internet became a part of our life. Nobody wants their private information to be leaked. The size of internet community and "internet is a forever archive" terrifies people and make them concern. Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal. This data gathering was a major scandal in early 2018 where Cambridge Analytica harvested the personal data of millions of people's Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political advertising. It has been described as a watershed moment in the public understanding of personal data and precipitated a 17% fall in Facebook's share price and calls for tighter regulation of tech companies' use of personal data Data scientist, Aleksandr Kogan developed an app called "This Is Your Digital Life". He provided the app to Cambridge Analytica, and they arranged an informed consent process for rese
Changes in image of IT specialist in Russia 2000-present At the beginning of millennium IT field wasn't as popular as it is in our time. Majority of population didn't have their own computers and being familiar with technologies used to be considered as something special. At that time individuals who work in IT had wide theory knowledge and most of them studied computer science in university. Required skills weren't so specific. Companies had a demand to make their system work and hire those who can provide such service. Due to lack of powerful machines and technologies itself systems were quite unreliable and it was a common thing to have unpredictable failures. People didn't believe in anything that's not written on paper.  Since 2006 internet became a useful tool for programmers and the rest of IT world. Many tech communities were formed and it has been provided communication inside the field. Companies could better analyze the market and requirements fo
Overview on cyber security in Russia Since the end of Soviet Union era, Russia used to be considered as a developing country in any sense. In terms of cyber security and technology overall this country made a huge step during last decade. IT specialists get as twice as more money in comparison to average salary within similar fields while in EU there is no such tendency (expect Estonia and few other countries). Financial support has helped security sector to develop. Currently Russia takes top places in security reliability charts. Technology E-Government While the implementation isn't perfect, the system saves a lot of time and gives such services as digital signature, application to some social service, updating citizens' data etc. IT Industry: The IT industry is a strategic segment of the Russian economy, as its growth rate exceeds the GDP dynamics, and this trend is likely to continue in the future.   There are such big companies as Kaspersky, Yandex and mail