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Overview on cyber security in Russia

Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 — ENISA

Since the end of Soviet Union era, Russia used to be considered as a developing country in any sense. In terms of cyber security and technology overall this country made a huge step during last decade. IT specialists get as twice as more money in comparison to average salary within similar fields while in EU there is no such tendency (expect Estonia and few other countries). Financial support has helped security sector to develop. Currently Russia takes top places in security reliability charts.



While the implementation isn't perfect, the system saves a lot of time and gives such services as digital signature, application to some social service, updating citizens' data etc.

IT Industry:

The IT industry is a strategic segment of the Russian economy, as its growth rate exceeds the GDP dynamics, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. 
There are such big companies as Kaspersky, Yandex and group. All of them hire most qualified employees and when it comes to product, security and privacy are the highest priorities.


There is no such law that requires people of companies to make their employees passing security trainings. However, if employer is willing to have his systems safe, there are numerous organizations which provide any kind of trainings. Above listed company Kaspersky offers huge variety of such.


Since last 8 years were quite hot for the government. They decided to focus on locally developed products and In June 2015 after sanctions due to occupation of Crimea the Russian parliament passed a law to establish a preference system for software developed in Russia. 


No matter how much effort is putting into security development. The country still has economic and political difficulties which make it impossible to operate efficiently in IT field. Unfortunately people do care about dark news such as memes about government projects' web pages with close to 0 level of protection. As long as government prefer leaving things as they are this country won't meet huge success and global approval. It still feels good that there are a big list of private companies that keep Russia on the same level as most technologically and securely developed countries.


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