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The Review of Paper "Computer vision in Security"
Author: Fothul Karim Forhan

The paper is the overview on a technology that helps us recognize different patterns and proceed it in a specific format. The focus is set on security field where CV helps to prevent attacks and massive resource looses. The introduction covers a bit of history as well as points to goals of the research.

The main part is divided into: Types of CV technologies applied in security matters, security matters that require CV and other safety matters.

For me the most fascinating part is CV in financial field. In the given example cv could identify fraudsters by emotional state, the way a fraudster behaves. After the thief is identified, the alarm is enabled automatically and the transaction is terminated. This is a direct example of how cv saves a companies' money.

The only thing that missing is lack of illustrations. It'd be great to see face-recognition algorithms visualization.

Overall, I really liked the style of paper, the coherent structure and clear explanations. Face recognition and road security parts made me think about working or at least practicing in this field as it's in the same time quite fun (algorithms, visualization) and really helps society.

Link to the reviewed paper:


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